Having an app doesn’t mean having a performing app. You have to focus your goal and reach it.

Beintoo delivers a new generation of relevant mobile advertising to achieve the best performance. We can accompany you through all steps from acquiring new users to their engagement and conversion into clients.

We have the right solution for all challenges. Our mission is to offer our clients a mobile engagement that works both online and offline.

  • App download

  • Ad recall

  • Retention

  • Lift

  • Sales

  • In-app purchase

  • Awarness

  • Registration

We have the right solution for all challenges. Our mission is to offer our clients a mobile engagement that works both online and offline.

Our highlights


generate a return on investment based on post install events


access to transparent and monitored sources of traffic


engage and activate the dormant customer base


Everyday Beintoo DMP collects
millions of first party data from
users thanks to a proprietary
distributed among dozens
of applications.

We are able to track:

  • where people go,

  • which apps do they use,

  • interaction
    and time spent on ad units.


Everyday Beintoo DMP collects millions of first party data from users thanks to a proprietary SDK distributed among dozens of applications.

Our team leverage those data to target specific clusters of audience and optimize mobile campaigns. Based on the audience segments we create in the DMP, we operate as a trading desk buying platform accesses to direct publishers, ad-networks and programmatic exchanges, pre-filtering the impressions thanks to the DMP integration.

We run mobile CPI campaigns optimized to KPIs supporting mobile user acquisition activities. Our platform also learns from running and past campaigns, providing set up suggestions and enrichment data. We suggest the best set up at different levels: creatives, publisher whitelists and audience clusters to optimize your result in terms of ROI.


Beintoo has a proprietary campaign management and tracking platform, TRK, which is developed for setup and collect post install events in order to arrange mobile marketing campaigns with CPI, CPL and CPA goals. This platform is also certified with the mostly used analytics and attribution SDKs. We guarantee full transparency thanks to the ability to track impressions and pass both appname and bundle.id in order to guarantee brand-safety on performance campaigns Beintoo TRK protects from ad fraud analyzing the most common fraudulent pattern that might originate from suspicious traffic sources like TTI distribution outliers, MTTI outliers, Devices with high click volume, Anonymized installs, Click flooding, IP blacklisting, Geo outlier and Geo platform mismatch.

Beintoo takes care of security observing the law and the regulations in force globally, and pays a specific attention to GDPR regulation.

who we are

Beintoo is a mobile data company founded in Milan in 2011 and operating globally in the digital advertising market offering a new generation of relevant mobile advertising for brands and publishers.

We operate in Italy, Spain, United Kingdom and United States and have a consolidate know-how on innovative technologies, mobile marketing, mobile data, customer optimization, online and offline engagement.

Let's stay in touch

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Please provide us your phone number
and it will be our pleasure to contact you as soon as possible.

I hereby authorize the treatment of my personal data. More information

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